What is Soto Zen?
Soto Zen originated in China in the 9th century and was brought to Japan in the 13th century by Dōgen Zenji (1200-1253)
The main form of Soto Zen is Zazen or "seated meditation." Our practice of meditation is called Shikantaza or "just sitting." Shikantaza (只管打坐) is the practice of being present, aware, and in a state of conscious awareness.
Soto Zen is a school in the Mahayana (Great Wheel) tradition of Buddhism.
What Does Soto Zen Look Like At Rising Lotus Sangha?
Some have described Soto Zen as austere and rigid. This is not how we practice at Rising Lotus. We aim to bring Zen into our everyday lives. This means a flexible. fluid practice that is available to everyone. Rising Lotus is a community that is intentionally open, affirming and inclusive to all. This means that if you cannot "sit" in the traditional way - you may have found a home here. We study the ancient as well as modern texts, always intending to make them real in our everyday lives, We are a small, but active community where you will have direct access to our teacher.
Our weekly schedule consists of meditation periods, book groups and twice-monthly Dharma Discussions where Kyoji brings the dharma alive with a short talk and open discussion.